回复 :今年祖母决定和往年一样,一大家子在家里一起为自己过生日。到场的宾客有自己的儿子:一位50岁左右酗酒的熊孩子,他计划带自己的新女友来见家人。还有4个孙子辈以及他们的另一半。没想到不能接受的人竟是老爸,他反思自己的一辈子,认为自己不是名合格的父亲,害怕自己在养育这个孩子的时候依旧会犯下同类错误,对孩子造成伤害。这时,孩子们表示他们会无条件的爱戴他,因为他是父亲啊。在老爸的坦诚中,大家都反省了自己的缺点,包括祖母也改变了自己对其他人的态度。在全家人的掌声中,老爸向女友求了婚,祖母...
回复 :一女警在探查一件刑事案件中,经过数日缉查下,没有想到案中主犯竟是其闺中密友所为,真相大白,令人愕然...面对情感与正义,将如何抉择?
回复 :Far’Hook is a 20-year-old rapper. Following a violent dispute with a rival, he’s forced to leave Paris for a while. His producer, Bilal, suggests that Far’Hook acts as driver for Bilal’s father, Serge, on a tour of French ports, following in the footsteps of the classic painter Joseph Vernet.Despite the age gap and culture clash, an unlikely friendship forms between this talented rapper and a bricklayer from the north of France during a road trip that concludes in Marseille for a final concert, one of reconciliation.