日本A 'mockumentary' about David Moore, the filmmaker who first dreamed of sharks in a tornado and brought on disaster by using real sharks. The first SHARKNADO was to be a movie never seen, a crime never reported, a tale never told. Until now.
日本A 'mockumentary' about David Moore, the filmmaker who first dreamed of sharks in a tornado and brought on disaster by using real sharks. The first SHARKNADO was to be a movie never seen, a crime never reported, a tale never told. Until now.
回复 :生活对小职员卫斯理(JamesMcAvoy饰)来说是毫无意义的重复,每天要忍受痴肥上司唠叨、好友与女友上床,还要不停用药物控制过快的心跳。这天他被一名陌生女子从疯狂枪手的追杀中救出,进入了刺客联盟的世界,救命恩人火狐(AngelinaJolie饰)与联盟领导史隆(MorganFreeman饰)告知卫斯理当年抛弃他的父亲也是组织一员,最近为叛徒十字所杀,卫斯理必须尽快在严酷的训练中成长,才能自保,甚至为父报仇。刺客联盟起源于纺织行会,他们按照纺织机提供的密码决定刺杀对象,从而顺应命运的安排。卫斯理很快凭借优异的天赋掌握一系列暗杀手段成为组织一员,开始执行命运赋予的任务,并逐渐接近向十字寻仇的目标,终于,史隆令卫斯理远赴东欧刺杀十字,但在这次任务中,卫斯理意外发现了组织内部的阴谋,而这一次,他不再用逃避解决问题。
回复 :2012年,人类被不知名病毒感染,纽约成为一座空城。Robert Neville(Will Smith 饰)是为军方服务的科学家,也是对病毒有免疫力的幸存者。白天,他带着狗Sam在街道上寻找食物,用广播寻找幸存者,在实验室里研究治愈病毒的方法;晚上,他只能躲在屋子里,因为那些感染病毒而没有死亡的人们,成为了“夜魔”只能夜晚出来活动,丧失理智,会攻击所有的人。某天,Sam也感染病毒死去,Robert Neville陷入了前所未有的孤独。当他准备和“夜魔”们同归于尽的时候,另外一个幸存者Anna(Alice Braga 饰)救了他。Anna相信山上的隔离区还有幸存者,但是固执的Robert Neville却坚持守在纽约。又一个晚上,“夜魔”攻击Robert Neville的住所,此时他的研究已经获得成功,但是只有坚持到天亮,人类才能得以延存。
回复 :Best friends Cliff and Otis plan to get rich quick by stealing from some of the most dangerous foes in the business: drug dealers. Going against the plan, the two spend the night partying, allowing the molikan.com audience to see that, in a certain light, the "bad guys" weren't really all that bad to begin with. Simply put, this film is just your everyday druggie, dramedy, indie musical that's filled with Germans, Jesus, banjos, bongos, beers, and bongs.