回复 :故事发生在202X年。日本被深深的闭塞感所包围,被世界打上了夕阳国的烙印。为了打破这种没有出口的局面,首相鹫田(柄本明饰)启动了一个项目。通过人工智能从全国选拔领导人,让他们承担起治理颓废城市的重任。年轻人不能担当政治的理由,一直被认为是“经验”少。人工智能拥有一个人根本无法得到的“经验”的庞大数据。也就是说,人工智能可以补充很多“经验”。 AI选择的首相是17岁的少年真木亚兰(神尾枫珠饰),年纪尚轻,但追求理想社会。其他成员也都是20岁左右的年轻人。真木和同伴一起运用AI推进改革,使濒临衰退的地方城市,作为实验城市重生。@哦撸马(阿点)
回复 :小小蟒雀,安敢吞龙?今天,我就让你们知道什么是人定胜天!如今我飞升即在,是时候了却凡尘了!守护心爱之人,调查当年真相,清扫魑魅魍魉,走向大道巅峰
回复 :Following on from The Field of Blood, this new story is based on the second in the Paddy Meehan series, the Dead Hour. We follow Paddy as she tries to make a career for herself against the backdrop of the miner's strike and the changing face of journalism.Paddy now has her dream job, working the night shift on the call car with fellow reporter McVie. All this changes with the arrival of a new editor in chief. Meanwhile, an innocuous call to a disturbance in a posh area of Glasgow leads Paddy to uncover a cold-blooded murder.