春暖花A man from London comes to a small remote village in Serbia to look after the cemetery. He starts to have nightmarish visions and suspects the friendly villagers have a more sinister intention with him.
春暖花A man from London comes to a small remote village in Serbia to look after the cemetery. He starts to have nightmarish visions and suspects the friendly villagers have a more sinister intention with him.
回复 :The life of Moonjung, the main character of Greenhouse, is not happy. She suffers from a psychological disorder, her young son is locked up in a juvenile detention center, and since she has no home, she lives in a greenhouse. She sometimes sees a man, but she’s not sure if she really loves him. However, since she is nice and sincere, she works as a caregiver for an elderly couple and gets by in harsh conditions until a tragic event happens. After the incident, her life falls into a whirlwind, and the narrative speeds into confusion. Using the genre conventions cleverly in every major part, the fate of Moonjung, who has fallen into the trap of tragedy, unfolds as a skillful thriller of pain.
回复 :一部人海众生相式的电影,角色众多,枝节纵横交错,将五十年代初期纽约布鲁克林区的底下层社会面貌作出活生生的反映,故事背景是正在进行大罢工的边缘地带,工人已有六个月没工作,人人心情烦燥,此时一名年轻妓女崔拉拉自甘随落的行为,引起了一群醉酒士兵、流氓青年和失业工人的大围殴,情况一发不可收拾。导演尤里奇.埃迪尔采用十分沉低调的手法来刻画社会边缘人的阴暗面,角色包括了:同性恋青年、未婚怀孕的女儿、不良帮派份子、专搞仙人跳的妓女等等,部份色情暴力的场面处理得相当露骨。饰演妓女的珍妮弗.贾森.利有遭人轮暴的激情演出,凭本片一举成名。
回复 :惠宜(张可颐 饰)天性好赌,只要是和赌有关的任何事情,她都想在里面掺一脚,只是惠宜的运气似乎极差,大多数的赌局她都以失败告终。一天,在一条游轮上,惠宜又上了赌桌,和往常一样,很快的,她的兜里就输的一毛钱也不剩了。气愤之中,惠宜来到甲板上散心,偶遇了勤杂工毕比特(雷宇扬 饰),毕比特告诉惠宜,她之所以运气这么差是因为没有按时祭扫已经去世的双亲的墓。信了毕比特的话,惠宜决定祭祀一下仙人,才发现双亲的墓地早已经长满了半人高的杂草。在除草的过程中,惠宜误将垃圾倒到了隔壁的墓碑上,这下可好,寄宿在墓碑上的烂赌鬼彻彻底底的缠上了惠宜。