回复 :A man (Young) comes round after a car accident, and realises that a perfect crime is now possible: any movie with this scene can't fail. From this halfway point, the anxious mood of this rare noir thriller thickens fast. Jane Greer and Susan Hayward in turn tempt Young (a spineless louse) from his rich wife (Johnson). We know he's wretched, but is he guilty of murder?
回复 :野村聪(织田裕二 饰)是一名公务员,身处森严的等级制度中,野心勃勃的野村聪相信自己一定能够一步一步向上攀登,最终通过“特别护养老人设施建设”这个大项目一跃而上,成为发号施令的“人上人”。职场上的野村聪兢兢业业,毫无破绽,情感上他亦即将迎娶建筑公司老板的女儿,这无疑将为他未来的事业锦上添花。某日,野村聪进驻了一间民营龙头企业进行交流进修,到时才发现,这家所谓的龙头企业不过是一间充满了懒散员工和三流超市。与此同时,野村聪和他的教育员二宫亚季(柴崎幸 饰)之间亦是矛盾多多,从前的“领头羊”一下子沦为了“吊车尾”。之后,野村聪的事业受到了巨大的冲击,情感亦遭遇滑铁卢,在他最落魄的时候,竟然是二宫亚季站在他的身后,一直支持和鼓励着他。
回复 :Young Pharaoh Ramses XIII clashes with Egypt's clergy over influence on the affairs of the state and its coffers.