回复 :九一八事变爆发后,留学日本的青年沈云回国效力,却遭遇沈家被日本人竹上灭门的惨剧,而沈云也被日本人陷害入狱,死期不远。为了复仇,沈云假死逃过一劫,忍痛和初恋吴楚琳分手,并改名华明翰,加入中统,与救命恩人兰亭舒扮演假夫妻、收养十岁女孩晶晶后去往上海执行潜伏任务。七年后,华明翰表面上是上海租界巡捕房的总探长,实则是让日本人闻风丧胆的“冰锋”,他带领华兴社成员周旋于波诡云谲的局势中,粉碎了日本人在华的重重阴谋。与此同时,朝夕相处的兰亭舒爱上了华明翰,而华明翰心中却只有吴楚琳。然而,当吴楚琳再次出现认出他就是昔日恋人沈云时,为了大义,他只能再一次推开吴楚琳。直到吴楚琳被日本人炸死,他才知道她就是一直报道冰锋事迹的记者曙光。祸不单行,养女晶晶和兰亭舒先后在抗日行动中牺牲,华明翰亦得知兰亭舒的真实身份是共产党,对国民党彻底心死的他毅然退出中统,带领华兴社加入新四军,开始了新的抗日征程。
回复 :Green Wing and Free Agents star Stephen Mangan is to play the lead role in BBC4's adaptation of the late Douglas Adams Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.Mangan will be joined by Darren Boyd as his sidekick Richard MacDuff and Cold Feet and Friends actor Helen Baxendale, as MacDuff's girlfriend Susan.Adapted by the Bafta-winning writer Howard Overman – who is also behind Misfits, Vexed and Merlin – Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency follows the exploits of Adams's chaotic character as he uses his unusual methods to solve crimes.Mangan said: "I've been a fan of Douglas Adams ever since the Hitchhiker's radio series which I used to record as a child and listen to over and over again in my bedroom. It's such a thrill to now be playing one of his brilliant characters."Dirk is a chaotic, anarchic force of nature with a totally unique take on the world. He is described as 'lazy, untidy, dismissive and unreliable'. I've absolutely no idea why they thought I'd be right for the role."The Dirk Gently books have formed the basis of a play and a BBC Radio 4 series but have never before been filmed for TV.Adams's agent, Ed Victor, said: "For all the years I represented the late, great Douglas Adams, the most substantial frustration for both of us was that we couldn't get films made either of Hitchhiker or Dirk."Douglas once said, memorably, that 'getting a film made in Hollywood was like trying to cook a steak by having a bunch of people come into the room and breathe on it'. Well, we did eventually get a film made in Hollywood of Hitchhiker and, tragically, Douglas didn't live to see it. Nor will he see this adaptation of Dirk – but it's worth bearing in mind that Douglas always thought Dirk would make a better film than Hitchhiker and I feel sure that this new TV drama with a terrific script by Howard Overman will prove his point."Shooting begins this week in Bristol on the 60-minute drama, which is being made by ITV Studios in association with the Welded Tandem Picture Company.The Dirk Gently production is to be directed by Damon Thomas – who also directed BBC4 drama The First Men in the Moon – and will air early next year.
回复 :香港男人在深圳建立家庭,在香港工作,每天“冲关”,奔走中港两地,面对工作及生活,这是每一个香港人及内地同胞所热衷话题,【爸爸两边走】选择了这题材为主轴,剧情以温情伦理为主导,故事以写实手法描述香港及内地人对婚姻及感情的看法,回归之后香港及中国之间生活变迁为重点,以亲情及爱情为原素。并以崭新手法,以国内全实景拍摄作包装,给予观众清新写实的感觉。演员阵容鼎盛,包括:林韦辰、万绮雯、张文慈、袁文杰、江美仪、吴廷烨、楼南光、吕有慧、谢雪心、杜挺豪等,全情投演,反影社会实况。任职男护事的曾耀乾,带着儿子曾诚到机场妻子接机,无意中发现了妻子方泗曼原来与上司杨永祥有奸情,耀乾曾经想挽救这段婚姻危机,无奈妻子将婚姻及事业挂了勾…结婚七年,妻子由一个护士晋升至行政经理,而耀乾还停留在男看护阶段,夫妻的距离由近而远,渐渐同床异梦。耀乾知道无法挽救这段婚姻,欲与妻子离婚,妻子感觉对家庭仍有责任,不肯离异,耀乾为了让妻子死心,带着儿子离去,回到深圳暂住。耀乾一边在香港工作,一边要回到深圳照顾儿子,开始了爸爸两边走的生活,耀乾每天“冲关”时发觉,原来有很多香港人也是跟他一般的遭遇,每日奔走中港两地,面对工作及生活。当耀乾渐渐适应了中港两边走的生活后,开始在国内认识了不少朋友,其中一个是弱视的钢琴教师常萍,常萍虽然弱视,但人却坚强,对生命充满寄望,不但不需要人照顾,还能反过来照顾耀乾及曾诚…日久生情,耀乾与常萍渐成爱侣。常萍有一个愿望,希望能参加全国音乐比赛,可惜身体残疾使她不能如愿,耀乾想尽法子帮助常萍治好了她的眼疾,使常萍可以如愿,在数万人面前表演钢琴,常萍喜极而泣…而耀乾也在帮助常萍的过程里,在失败婚姻阴影中爬起来,重新做人。当耀乾及常萍感情成熟,准备结婚之时,却遇到最大的考验…泗曼与永祥的感情告终,想吃回头草,就算不能得回耀乾的爱,也要得回儿子曾诚…最后耀乾面对情义的抉择,作出了一个肯定的抉择…继续爸爸两边走的生活。