回复 :生意失败的谢健为躲避债务躲进地下室,正在跑步机上跑步的他突然接到失踪已久的好友王言的电话。王言声称他在谢健跑步机下安装了一枚传感器炸弹,炸弹必须感应到谢健脚步的压力和频率才不会爆炸,谢健如果不想被炸死,就必须一直跑下去,这是七年前自己遇险时谢健见死不救、独自跑掉的惩罚。跑步机的跑带像时间的洪流奔腾不息,谢健的生命也在一点点流逝。犹如困兽的他反省自己的医生,突然发现自己曾经伤发过太多的人。谢健痛中思痛,一边奔命一边借助一部手机,向那些曾经被他伤害过的人们开始了临终忏悔。随着这场临终忏悔的进行,谢健得知了一个又一个让他震惊万分的真相。
回复 :大概是法国第一部描写女同志的故事片吧。Olivia (also known as Pit of Loneliness) is a 1951 French film directed by Jacqueline Audry. It is based on the 1950 semi-autobiographical novel by Dorothy Bussy. It has been called a landmark of lesbian representation. Olivia arrives at a finishing school and falls in love with headmistress Mlle. Julie. Mlle. Julie feels the same, but tries to suppress her desire. For her part as Mlle. Julie, Edwige Feuillère was nominated for a BAFTA award for Best Foreign Actress in 1952.French director Audry made 18 feature films from 1944 to 1972. Her earliest films are prime examples of the French 'tradition of quality.' She favored plots adapted from French literature. Audry is most distinguished from her peers in that her films were primarily focused upon female leads, whereas traditional French cinema is centered around the lives of men. Her most notorious film was 1951's Olivia, which dealt with lesbian relationships.
回复 :一辆老式轿车载着一男两女行驶在阳光明媚的山间公路上,谁知突如其来的车祸摧毁了看似美好的一切。不知过了多久,男人(韦斯•本特利 Wes Bentley 饰)从昏迷中醒来,此时他躺在一间空旷的大房子中央,窗边摆着医疗设备和仪器。清脆的脚步声响起,美丽而略带神秘感的女人(凯特•波茨沃斯 Kate Bosworth 饰)走到他的面前。男人似乎因车祸而大脑受创,他记不起眼前的女人是谁,而对方则声称是他的妻子。在昏睡的梦中,关于车祸的碎片时时闪现眼前,这令坠入记忆裂缝中的男人愈加无助。越是迷惑,他越是渴望了解这个家,了解他所谓曾深爱而如今却如此陌生的女子。女人那矜持的神秘笑容背后,藏着可怕的秘密……