我的小妻子呢? 黎总,亚洲区夫人早在新房子等你了! 和素未謀面的男人洞房,这太荒唐了,不行,我要逃婚!
我的小妻子呢? 黎总,亚洲区夫人早在新房子等你了! 和素未謀面的男人洞房,这太荒唐了,不行,我要逃婚!
回复 :Jinake Saman is the university moon in the engineering faculty, known across the whole campus as the hottest moon. There was the saying among the campus “Nothing and no one was hotter than Mr. Jin!” One day when his girlfriend broke up with him, he fell apart in despair. He later discovered that the girl who broke his heart was the cousin of law student Bom. Jin misunderstands that Bom and his cousin were flirting when actually he likes Jin. Bom has liked him since he was a freshman one year ago after Jin exchanged Bom’s lunchbox (because he couldn’t eat anything spicy) with his own food and rice. As feelings grow between them, can Jin understand Bom’s true intentions and come to see Bom as more than just a junior?
回复 :年近50岁大哥成材,40岁的二哥成奎是别人家的倒插门女婿,失业又不愿求助于家人的三哥成民,刚走出大学校门的待业青年正宇……大家庭困难重重,大哥大嫂开始用父母般爱感化兄弟们,而正宇也用勤劳、善良、正直、乐观的品性,赢回了自己应得的爱情、财富,以及亲生母亲的相认。
回复 :刑事情报高级督察卓凯(苗侨伟 饰)现身泰国曼谷,在当地获得重要情报:九指强与泰国倪坤进行毒品交易。追查之后发现吉运帮黑吃黑将倪坤杀死与九指强进行交易。为寻找吉运帮犯罪证据卓凯与卧底潜入社团窝点后被Pak Key得力手下乐少锋(周柏豪 饰)发现行动,和他们交起手来。逃脱之后卓凯一行人准备离开泰国返回香港时发生一场大爆炸,除了卓凯之外的所有卧底葬身火海。伤心欲绝的卓凯返回香港后面临停职,变得一蹶不振。与此同时香港最大的社团长兴发生内斗,长兴新继任的龙头魏德信(陈豪 饰)以雷厉风行手段剿灭社团的高级头目,其中包括覃欢喜(许绍雄 饰)。然而覃欢喜是长期潜伏在长兴的卧底,面临此番处境,他曾想过向Handler求助调回警察队伍,但妻子突然出事惨死在社团人士手中,令覃欢喜彻底沦入黑道。