回复 :电影讲述了历史学家、小说家以及英国情报特工格特鲁德•贝尔(Gertrude Bell,1868-1926)的故事,上世纪20年代贝尔对建立中东新政治秩序起到了重要作用。贝尔少女时代便饱受教育,因此在英国本土难以找到合适的对象,她便前往德黑兰。在伊朗她与赌瘾成性的外交官亨利•卡多根(Henry Cadogan)陷入爱河但发展并不顺利,于是贝尔决定放弃自己的个人生活,投身勘探周边地区的事业中。奥斯曼帝国覆灭之前,贝尔在中东地区学习语言,翻译文学作品,在开罗、巴士拉和巴格达等地与穆斯林高官碰面,由于自身的勇气的尊敬的表现,贝尔赢得了领导人们的信任。似乎注定要成为大英帝国和中东国家之间的桥梁,贝尔在一战后便参与划定了中东地区各国界线。而此时,爱情再度走进她的生命。沃纳•赫尔佐格(Werner Herzog)以广阔的沙漠为背景,讲述了这位“沙漠女王”的传奇史诗。
回复 :电影改编自日本高中老师,同时也是编剧的畑澤聖語以其教学生活经验为基础创作的讲述校园暴力的同名舞台剧《想见你父母》。讲述初二学生自杀并留下遗书,根据他的遗书上列举的学生的名字,加害学生的父母们聚集在学校,和学校方面就受害者的遗书展开了激烈的争论。
回复 :Howard Tyler (Frank Lovejoy) is a family man, living in California, who can't seem to get by financially. He meets up with a small-time, but charismatic, hood Jerry Slocum (Lloyd Bridges). Soon, Slocum convinces Tyler to participate in gas station robberies to get by. Later, they kidnap a wealthy man in hopes of getting a huge ransom. Things go wrong when the man is murdered by Slocum then thrown in a lake. Tyler reaches his limit emotionally, and he begins drinking heavily. He meets a lonely woman and confesses the crime while drunk. The woman flees and goes to the police.When the two kidnappers are arrested, a local journalist (Richard Carlson) writes a series of hate-filled articles about the two prisoners which eventually lead to a brutal lynching.The despair of the lower middle-class: A family man ashamed of being unemployed allows himself to be convinced by a gangster to take part in a kidnapping. The police arrests them both and the anger of the small town’s population is unforgiving. THE SOUND OF FURY is a dark crime movie that builds up to an apocalyptic storm, but never loses sight of social realities, thus telling a lot about the daily despair of the working-class. A masterpiece, it was Cy Endfield’s last film before he felt compelled to move to Britain.