回复 :Now the Montecito has been sold to inexperienced young widow-heiress Monica Mancuso, who had it thoroughly renovated, Ed who stayed on as general manager is worried about the top-secret reopening, especially after two recent hold-ups in Indian casinos, but Monica refuses any delay so he can work in new staff. Most old key personnel has left. Danny now heads his late dad's contracting company McCoy Construction, but accepts to return as Ed's right hand, and rehires Mike -who was parking valet- and Sam, whose clients were deserting her, only Ed's daughter refuses. The boys soon find proof the construction crews have been infiltrated as there are at least two officially dead men and computer chips have been planted to cause a blackout one minute after the grand reopening starts, far more sophisticated then in either Indian casino heist.
回复 :发现了27年前案件矛盾处的麻衣,在电视台驳回她的企划后,由上司长谷川牵线,认识了实力记者三上,两人联手,拨开层层迷雾,追查27年前的真相...
回复 :玛丽索(阿娜·奥缇兹 Ana Ortiz 饰)的儿子被控告谋杀,为了替儿子洗脱罪名,玛丽索需要大笔的金钱周转。罗斯(丹妮亚·拉米雷兹 Dania Ramirez 饰)的丈夫英年早逝,留下一个儿子靠罗斯微薄的薪水抚养。左拉(朱迪·雷耶斯 Judy Reyes 饰)自信又迷 人,和瓦伦蒂娜(Edurne Ganem 饰)既是母女亦是同事。卡门(罗塞莉·桑切斯 Roselyn Sanchez 饰)梦想成为一名歌手,可苍白无力的现实却令她望而却步。车水马龙纸醉金迷的比弗利富人区,四个女人穿梭与此生活于此,却和这里的光鲜亮丽毫无关系,她们只是一群为有钱人服务,替有钱人收拾各种烂摊子的女佣罢了。一桩离奇的死亡事件将四个女人的命运联系到了一起,为了捍卫她们共同的利益,她们必须死死守住某个秘密。