回复 :If you are a train aficionado, you cannot miss On the Train—it captures from the birth to the last moment of the railway, 98.2 kilometers long and opened in 1992, crossing southern Taiwan. The virtue of this film lies in meeting the people who have been involved with this railway and having them rewrite the history of trains through their mouth. The film diligently collects the...
回复 :在一个异时空女儿国的世界,这里居住着美丽的姑娘们,她们过着祥和的生活,有着四位忠诚的守护者。每年在特定的时节,女儿国的圣坛都会涌出圣水,这是女儿国人口得以繁衍的秘密,但她们也因此经常遭到外族戈阳国的攻击,为此,先人利用圣泉的力量为女儿国建起了结界抵抗戈阳国入侵。直到有一天,戈阳国攻打女儿国,女儿国四大守卫之一遇袭,在结界即将失灵之际,其他三位守护者们使用禁术召唤来一名来自现世的神秘男子—杜空空,从此打破了女儿国平静的生活……
回复 :一流女性官能小說家秋川奈緒,某日前往改編自己作品的情慾片拍攝現場參觀。當天的男優大塚充滿熱情的眼神,與見到自己時瞬間勃起的完美模樣深深吸引了奈緒。從此,奈緒的視線再也離不開大塚充滿雄性魅力之處……