回复 :In 1960 Germany, Army lawyer Major Steve Garrett is assigned to defend four American soldiers charged with raping 16 year-old Karin Steinhof. She was swimming in a nearby river when the four of them came across her and they were soon arrested thereafter. Maj. Garrett is anything but impressed with his clients but his job is to give them the best defense possible. He tries to obtain a plea bargain but Karin's father flatly refuses and the prosecutor, Colonel Jerome Pakenham, is seeking the death penalty. In order for the death penalty to be applied, the defense attorney must have the opportunity to thoroughly examine the victim under oath. He sympathizes with Karin and does his best to convince Karin father to keep her from testifying. When he refuses, Garrett is left will little choice but to attack her on the stand. Written by garykmcd
回复 :本片导演是长期担任今村昌平、市川昆等人摄像师的斋藤耕一,他的作品中常常构筑出流动的印象美。本片中风光旖旎的夏威夷景色,和诡奇的故事情节,构成了这世界上既美轮美奂,又毛骨悚然的爱情物语。故事情节:两年前,夏子(浅丘琉璃子 )伴随着丈夫敏彦(木村功 )的工作调动来到了夏威夷,夏子察觉到敏彦的冷漠,幸福的家庭蒙上了阴影。一天晚上,夏子在卧室的窗户外看到了人,敏彦一笑置之不理。朋友的都(大信田礼子)来了,像是在鼓励憔悴的夏子,劝告她解放自我。月光皎洁的夜晚,在海边散步的夏子面前,从海中出现俊美的青年,说等待着夏子,一口气抱住了她。那以后的每晚,夏子寻找着不知道名字的青年,互相寻求告慰,沉溺于和他的爱中。敏彦因为工作关系回到东京,夏子把他送到了机场。夏子感到还是和敏彦分开比较好,决心找机会对敏彦说出全部。回家后,发现应该去了日本的敏彦坐在家中,并且一直跟踪自己,夏子对敏彦坦白了和青年的爱,敏彦说青年不存在,是幻觉症状。那天晚上,夏子留下遗书消失了。敏彦和都,为了杀死夏子,处心积虑为她设下了圈套。杀死夏子计划以成功结束,二人打算出发去美国。但是,在两人面前发生了意想不到的事情。讽刺的是,袭击敏彦和都的,是与常夏岛夏威夷的风景隔绝的恐怖事件。
回复 :The tragic love story between Guido, the owner of a marble quarry and Luisa, the humble daughter of one of his employees, ends up in her giving birth to a baby boy. Giulio's mother is against them: at first she takes her son abroad with an excuse and then has her grandson kidnapped making Luisa think the boy died in a fire.