情牵Fernando works in an oil tanker that connects two major Argentinian cities. He has a young girlfriend in one and a married lover in the other. As they both become pregnant, his life starts to disintegrate into obsession and violence.
情牵Fernando works in an oil tanker that connects two major Argentinian cities. He has a young girlfriend in one and a married lover in the other. As they both become pregnant, his life starts to disintegrate into obsession and violence.
回复 :There is a girl who is a student at a tailoring school. She has a friend who has a boyfriend and is always having sex. She herself, however, remains a virgin. She sees her brother masturbating one day. She asks her friend to have sex with her brother. Her friend asks her to spread it for her older brother in exchange. It is a deal and the four go on a hike.
回复 :到大都市求職卻不斷碰壁的千秋,回到故鄉碰巧遇見了前女友青的母親京子。離婚後獨自生活的她,溫暖地安慰千秋,撫慰他疲憊的心。維持著不尋常關係的兩人,對彼此的慾望不斷增溫……
回复 :故事发生在明朝未年。杨独行(杨鸣健 饰)武功盖世,却从不过问江湖恩怨。一日,白莲教大师兄之弟李天仇(周国宾 饰)因故在自家沾毒酒丧命,视名声为天大的杨独行誓言找出投毒的真凶。他找到白莲教二师兄刘黑虎(赵小锐 饰)质问,刘辩称有人从中挑唆,待查清原委再说。当日深夜,贼人行剌杨独行未果。次日清早,四海镖局王大海(邢伟勇 饰)之子王少东(姜光成 饰)前来送所押银两,从刘黑虎口中得知,河涧大侠郭子玉(周文伟 饰)武功已废,杨独行让王少东带路去见其父王大海,不料半路少东被刘黑虎手下杀害。杨独行对刘黑虎如此毒辣心感骇然,他决定涉足江湖,为民除害......