回复 :1944年的德國正值世界大戰,少女蕾娜的母親是德國人、父親是非裔,她因為膚色飽受壓迫;然而,她和希特勒的青年軍魯茲情不自禁地墜入愛河,為此兩人更陷入險地...
回复 :A Man lives in his car. He is 40 years old and although he does not have a lot of free time, when he does, he chooses to spend it with his family. He meets his wife and two children at a specified day and time in car parking lots. His job is to locate and bring the finest honey to a 50-year old man. A New Driver shows up and the Man gets fired. The Man’s life changes and he finds it absurd that no one trusts him anymore.
回复 :故事讲述一个狡猾的间谍招募者维拉·阿特金斯和她为丘吉尔的“秘密军队”挑选的两个女人的故事:勇敢的美国人弗吉尼亚霍尔和和平主义者努尔·伊纳亚特·汗。