日本Bobby is called to defend his close friend, Scott Wallace, who is accused of killing his wife, and becomes overly involved in the case. Helen is concerned Richard has crossed the line in the case, when a witness coached by him lies on the stand.
日本Bobby is called to defend his close friend, Scott Wallace, who is accused of killing his wife, and becomes overly involved in the case. Helen is concerned Richard has crossed the line in the case, when a witness coached by him lies on the stand.
回复 :CBS已续订《天生冤家》第三季。
回复 :Four egocentric friends who run a neighborhood Irish pub in Philadelphia try to find their way through the adult world of work and relations hips. Unfortunately, their warped views and precarious judgments often lead them to trouble, creating a myriad of uncomfortable situations that usually only get worse before they get better. Written by DesertShark25
回复 :备受赞誉的导演何塞·帕迪利亚(《毒枭》、《精英部队》系列、《机器战警》)和多产的编剧埃琳娜·苏亚雷斯(《狂欢节的孩子们》、《追夫四人行》、《沙屋》)联手推出《黑金高墙》,一部以发生在巴西、引发有史以来最大腐败丑闻的真实事件为原型的犯罪题材剧情片。《黑金高墙》是一部激动人心、角色导向的原创剧集,讲述一小群顽强的调查员如何发现了巨型腐败体制的运作内幕,以及他们的追查对包括他们自己在内的每个人所造成的冲击。在这部剧集中,赛尔顿·梅罗(《Ligações Perigosas》《强尼不是我》《小丑漫游记》)饰演执着于手头案件的退休联邦警察局前副局长马尔科·鲁福;卡罗琳娜·阿布拉斯(《巴西大道》《如果没有其他方法奏效》《Perto de qualquer lugar》)饰演鲁福的徒弟维蕾娜·卡多利;恩里克·迪亚兹(《Justiça》《Felices para Sempre?》)饰演令鲁福心神不宁的罪犯罗伯托·易卜拉欣。本剧演员阵容还包括李·泰勒(《王国的神石》《Velho chico》《流动的河流》)、安东尼奥·萨博亚(《狼在门外》《Fora da lei》)、乔纳森·哈根森(《上帝之城》《桑巴诗人》)、亚历山德拉·科拉桑蒂(《A verdadeira história da bailarina de vermelho》)、莱昂纳多·梅德罗斯(《Cabra-cega》《Onde quer que você esteja》)、小奥托(《Malhacao》《银崖》)、苏珊娜·里贝罗(《世界的状态》《Meu Bem Querer》)和奥斯瓦尔多·米尔(《机器》《潮涨》)等。关于第 2 季2014 年,总统选举后,维蕾娜的特别行动组逮捕了巴西排名前 13 的承包商中的 12 位。在本季中仍有一人落网,而他正是他们中最有权势的那位:西卡多·布雷奇(埃米利奥·奥斯欧罗·内托饰演)。维蕾娜(卡罗琳娜·阿布拉斯饰演)、吉洛米(奥斯瓦尔多·米尔饰演)和芬德(乔纳森·哈根森饰演)以及鲁福(赛尔顿·梅罗饰演)仍在进行调查:这位退休的副局长仍在实施违法行动,无情地追捕易卜拉欣(恩里克·迪亚兹饰演),与妻子海吉娜(苏珊娜·里贝罗饰演)和女儿贝妲(朱丽娅·斯沃辛纳饰演)越来越疏远。