回复 :
回复 :A village on the Georgian Black Sea is full of friendly people convinced they know each other. One day, Eliko is found hanged. His granddaughter Moe comes to organize his funeral. She is confronted with a web of lies and the tragic consequences of Eliko’s hidden love life with Amnon, which lasted 22 years. The truth however frees Moe’s capability to love and forces the villagers to take a stand.A homage to the forgotten people, a struggle against bigotry, an act of empowerment for generations struggling with their identity; to give them a story through which to imagine themselves in the future.– Elene Naveriani
回复 :因酒醉驾车撞死一个小女孩,被判六年刑期的约翰.布恩出狱了。从他跨出监狱大门的那一刻起,小女孩的父亲弗莱迪复仇的眼睛就盯上了他。六年前那悲惨的一幕无法从弗莱迪的记忆中抹去。他开着一家珠宝店,但大部分时间是在办公室里喝酒,晚上则出入色情场所,烂醉中与一些连名字都不知道的女人鬼混。就在这种恶性循环中他失去了妻子,幼儿,房子以致生活的勇气...现在他只想亲自动手,杀了肇事者出气。而约翰.布恩也并未因服了六年刑而减轻罪恶感,他想的不是出狱后开始新生活,而是琢磨自己的生命还有什么价值。从某种意义上讲,他与弗莱迪是一体的两面。