日韩Anna Nix is sent to a juvenile prison for the murder of her abusive stepfather. In the prison, she discovers relationships, drugs, complex mental illness, and her eventual search for redemption.
日韩Anna Nix is sent to a juvenile prison for the murder of her abusive stepfather. In the prison, she discovers relationships, drugs, complex mental illness, and her eventual search for redemption.
回复 :阳光明媚的日子里,约翰(丹尼尔·佐瓦特 Daniel Zovatto 饰)和凯蒂(邦妮·戴尼森 Bonnie Dennison 饰)、麦特(克里斯·克罗伊 Chris Conroy 饰)、齐克(格里芬·纽曼 Griffin Newman 饰)、西蒙(约翰尼·奥希尼 Jonny Orsini 饰)和黛比(Mackenzie Rosman 饰)等五名好友,驱车来到一个毗邻湖边的僻静所在进行他们毕业前的纪念派对。他们划着小船来到湖中央,曾经有着恐怖记忆的约翰对这片水域颇多忌惮,但是他胆大妄为的伙伴们则竞相跳入水中,享受戏水的快乐时光。谁知好景不长,先是小船遭到猛烈碰撞,接着黛比被一条怪鱼咬伤致死。年轻人的噩梦由此展开,他们的磨难还未就此结束,嗜血猎手渐次向他们逼近……
回复 :俄罗斯警方发现有人拐卖中国少女。雷霄和叶聪立刻赶到俄罗斯进行调查,不料雷霄被栽赃陷害。有口难辩的雷霄在娜塔莎的帮助下逃过警察的追捕和拐卖团伙的追杀,最终查明真相,将拐卖团伙一网打尽,证明了自己的清白。
回复 :A reporter, cameraman, and some petty thieves are stranded in a boat out on the ocean. The only thing that stands between them and their lives is a 50-foot prehistoric megalodon shark. They must all pull together to survive.