回复 :Fresh Dressed chronicles the history of Hip-Hop | Urban fashion and its rise from southern cotton plantations to the gangs of 1970s in the South Bronx, to corporate America, and everywhere in-between. Supported by rich archival materials and in depth interviews with individuals crucial to the evolution of a way of life--and the outsiders who studied and admired them--Fresh Dressed goes to the core of where style was born on the black and brown side of town.
回复 :传说杨金村是受到了某种诅咒导致村里一个男人都没有,以往前去的冒险家也都有去无回,偶尔有几个回来的也多半失去了记忆。飞虎队长史劲松带领手下三员大将:雷大锤、贾茹以及甄银剑前往该村探寻真相,然而这只是他们的表面目的,他们真正想要的是……
回复 :影片记录了卢武铉前总统一心希望建设没有岭南、湖南之分的社会,并为之努力的身影以及后代人们跟随他的脚步共同建设家园。