早乙A demoted detective is given the opportunity to go undercover and take down the mob's most ruthless killer, but his life and only chance at redemption spiral out of control as he loses himself in the role.
早乙A demoted detective is given the opportunity to go undercover and take down the mob's most ruthless killer, but his life and only chance at redemption spiral out of control as he loses himself in the role.
回复 :A group who break into and old mining cave system soon realise a nest of Crocodiles inhabit the caves.
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回复 :“九?一八”事变后,日寇加紧了侵占华北的步伐。北平也处在风雨飘摇之中。黑夜,一蒙面人潜入“丸二商社”,用斧劈死血债累累的关东军大佐须田,和追捕的日军拼杀后带伤逃走。日军循血迹查到费文德医生的兰溪诊所。费文德30岁,早年曾留学德国,后在东北军任医官。东北沦陷后来到北平,他是一个正直的爱国青年。老须田死后,须田次郎接替叔叔的职务,须田次郎阴险毒辣,是费文德留德的同学,他看到明火执仗破坏兰溪诊所不行,即派冷兴打入兰溪诊所,相机行事。冷兴进诊所不几天,一个病人不明不白死去。警察局长唐锐佛前往调查,费文德一口断定是谋杀。当地驻军参谋长吴吉利也来诊所,才知道死者是驻军的团长。吴对费文德颇为信任,暗示如中日开战,希望费的诊所能成为战地医院。吴临走时交给费一块在现场捡到的血手帕,说了对冷兴的怀疑。没有几天,费的诊所又死了一个病人。舆论大哗,日本浪人也趁乱闹事,诊所被...