回复 :A story about the struggle of the International Ladys Garment Worker Union (ILGWU) to unionize a New York sweat shop, Roxton Fashions, in the Garment District. Lee J. Cobb plays Walter Mitchell the owner of a company that is determined to keep the union out of his shop. His partner does not agree, and only wants the workers to have a living wage. He dies in an accident. Kerwin Mathews palys his son Alan, who comes back to New York after a long absence. He does not understand his fathers angry resistance to t he union, and sympathizes with the union.
回复 :陳寶珠告別影壇前最後一部片。在六十年代末,楚原也曾為寶珠拍攝一系列的時裝俠盜奇情片,本片亦沿用這格局,但時代轉為民初,主角也由寶珠變成岳華,像是《大醉俠》角色的變奏。在眾人面他前是個傻戇口吃的警局包打聽,實則是神出鬼沒、劫富濟貧的大盜「壁虎」;寶珠是他的紅顏知己和拍檔。其中不乏宴會盜寶的驚險熱鬧,糊塗幹探的搞笑,和最後俠盜與反派高手羅烈的生死決戰。數碼修復版。
回复 :故事讲述在庙里跳八家将的米淇希望寻找失联的爸爸,热爱跳舞的庙会钢管辣妹晶晶则找寻失联的爱人,藏有心事的两个高雄女孩结伴同行出发到广州,各自找寻心之所向。