回复 :Mid-August in Paris (the title is a date: August 15) in a sunny, quiet apartment a young woman talks, thinks, reflects about herself, everyday life and little events in a long, uninterrupted monologue. The camera pictures her and her gestures in long, fixed shots moving around the rooms, the space, the light and shadows of a summer day.
回复 :诺埃尔·菲尔丁饰演迪克·特平,他一直认为自己注定要做比在父亲的肉铺里切肉更重要的事情。他是对的。当他无意中成为埃塞克斯帮(一群臭名昭著的不法之徒)的头目时,他意识到自己找到了自己的使命。当然,他可能是一个热爱和平的素食主义者,相信炫耀胜过手枪,但他所拥有的……
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