一群办公室职员决定在办公大楼里举行一个派对。除此之外,猫物他们还希望在那里能有一些毒品。他们关于这个问题的讨论被“乔·威克斯 (Joe vickers)”听到了,猫物这对他们来说是很不幸的,因为乔·威克斯是一名警察。但更不幸的是,威克斯还是一个崇拜撒旦的精神病连环杀手!他不但不逮捕他们, 他还要确保没有人能活着离开派对……
一群办公室职员决定在办公大楼里举行一个派对。除此之外,猫物他们还希望在那里能有一些毒品。他们关于这个问题的讨论被“乔·威克斯 (Joe vickers)”听到了,猫物这对他们来说是很不幸的,因为乔·威克斯是一名警察。但更不幸的是,威克斯还是一个崇拜撒旦的精神病连环杀手!他不但不逮捕他们, 他还要确保没有人能活着离开派对……
回复 :弗兰克(吴启华 饰)和米雪(关之琳 饰)是一对非常恩爱的夫妻,两人相约前往欧洲度假。然而,一场误会的发生让弗兰克误会了米雪红杏出墙,愤怒之中,他孤身一人前往伦敦,找自己的好友张志强(吕良伟 饰)诉苦。另一方面,米雪独自去了巴黎散心。 最终,弗兰克明白了是自己误会了妻子,于是赶到巴黎找她重修旧好,却在那里和青梅竹马的玩伴妮娜(利智 饰)相遇了。妮娜如今是黑帮老大马老板的情人,马老板误以为弗兰克和张志强是妮娜的情夫,于是对两人展开了围剿,米雪也因此加深了对弗兰克的误解。螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后,马老板的一举一动都被缉毒警察们看在眼里。
回复 :青年何向东自幼习武,来港后当上舞蹈艺员,与歌星王珍珍渐萌爱意,谭去非在美国经营地下拳赛赌博活动,偶然见何身手不凡,乃伪聘何赴美表演舞蹈,何欣然赴美,当何知道受骗时,已走投无路……
回复 :Though Delluc's career was short-lived, it burst vigorously(7 films in 4 years)that it forever left its imprint on french cinema history, and they rightly honoured him by giving the annual Prix Delluc to the best French film of the year. He was responsible for the creation of influential cinema journals like Le Journal du Ciné-Club and Cinéa, founding numerous film societies, writing countless articles and coining the term "cineaste". Delluc believed that films should be set in the natural without elaborate posturing, and characters should be portrayed in an intimate way where the past and present, illusion and reality can be correlated, all considered to be avant-garde at its time. He died only a few weeks after the shooting of The Flood at the age of 33.