春暖Tomás, an 11-year-old boy living in his own fantasy world, must use his vast monster knowledge to fight against his new English teacher: a wicked woman who is, in fact, a child-eating monster.
春暖Tomás, an 11-year-old boy living in his own fantasy world, must use his vast monster knowledge to fight against his new English teacher: a wicked woman who is, in fact, a child-eating monster.
回复 :故事发生在八十年代的意大利里维埃拉,每年夏天,十七岁的少年艾力奥(提莫西·查拉梅 Timothée Chalamet 饰)都会跟家人一起来此地度假。今年,和他们共享假日时光的,还有来自美国的奥利弗(艾米·汉莫 Armie Hammer 饰),高大英俊热情开朗的奥利弗很快就获得了艾力奥一家人的喜爱。随着时间的推移,艾力奥和奥利弗之间渐渐产生了致命的吸引力,但性别和年龄的桎梏让他们迟迟无法跨出那关键的一步,与此同时,单纯善良的少女马奇娅(艾斯特·加莱尔 Esther Garrel 饰)也向艾力奥奉献着自己的感情和身体。最终,汹涌的激情冲破了艾力奥和奥利弗之间的防线,两人开始了一段注定不会有结果的恋情。©豆瓣
回复 :A powerful biotech company has breakthrough technology allowing them to clone history's most influential people with just a few fragments of DNA. Behind this company is a cabal of Satanists that steals the shroud of Christ putting them in possession of Jesus' DNA. The clone will serve as the ultimate offering to the devil. Archangel Michael comes to earth and will stop at nothing to end the devil's conspiracy.
回复 :影片改编自霍华德·卡普兰1977年的同名小说,故事讲述一位间谍潜伏在叙利亚,试图将化学武器科学家及其家人护送出大马士革。