回复 :During the Second World War, following an ambush carried out in a fort by German troops, Eugène, an Allied soldier, finds himself trapped underground. Now fighting for his survival, his destiny will play out alongside that of another survivor. Both will try to find the resources to extricate themselves from certain death. They are unaware that terrible battles await them outside.
回复 :雷蒙(基弗·萨瑟兰 Kiefer Sutherland 饰)好不容易熬完了自己的铁窗生活,在监狱里吃尽了苦头的他决定在出狱之后金盆洗手老老实实做人,和深爱的女友艾迪(金·迪肯斯 Kim Dickens 饰)双宿双飞,浪迹天涯。然而,雷蒙灰暗的过去却不愿意放过他,出狱之后,他曾经的朋友马尔寇斯(文森特·加洛 Vincent Gallo 饰)找到了他,希望他能够跟他再干一票大的,赚上一大笔钱。经受不住金钱的诱惑,雷蒙妥协了,哪知道原本只是一次小小的行窃行动,却因为意外横出而酿成大祸。雷蒙一行人不仅射杀了一名便衣警察,还绑架了两名人质,就这样,雷蒙和艾迪不得不再一次踏上逃亡的旅途。
回复 :A group of immigrants (Pandi, Murugan, Afsal and Kumar) are detained by the local state police, tortured and forced to admit to a crime they have no knowledge of. When all hope seems to be lost, a policeman from their hometown speaks on their behalf at the court hearing, setting them free. The policeman asks for a return favor and the boys oblige, oblivious to the ill fate that awaits them. As they unwittingly bear witness to a political treason, the system seeks to silence them, at any cost. But Pandi is determined to be heard.