霸道Following the death of their friend, two girls in their late twenties embark on a road trip to spread his ashes. Seph and Alex take turns driving. Dan is in the glove compartment, in tupperware, decreasing in volume as the trip progresses.
霸道Following the death of their friend, two girls in their late twenties embark on a road trip to spread his ashes. Seph and Alex take turns driving. Dan is in the glove compartment, in tupperware, decreasing in volume as the trip progresses.
回复 :Recovering from a very public divorce, independent filmmaker and Italian Prince Tao Ruspoli takes to the road to talk to his relatives, advice columnists, psychologists, historians, anthropologists, artists, philosophers, sex workers, sex therapists, and ordinary couples about love, sex & monogamy in our culture. What he discovers about his very unconventional family, and about the history and psychology of love and marriage leads him to question the ideal of monogamy, and the traditional family values that go with it.
回复 :该片由李钟言执导,讲述了在岁月号事故之后,遗属们和生存下来的人们克服伤痛并治愈的故事。
回复 :东京湾岸区连续发生杀人事件,被害者皆为溺死,警方的调查毫无进展。警官吉冈(役所广司饰)在事发现场找到一枚纽扣,回家后却发现自己的外衣正好掉了一粒同样的扣子。其他的蛛丝马迹也表明与自己有关,他开始怀疑自己就是凶手。为此吉冈苦恼万分,而恋人春江(小西真奈美饰)却表现得十分冷淡。重返凶案现场的吉冈,听到了诡异可怕的声音,并见到一名红衣女子(叶月里绪奈饰)。女子告诉吉冈,15年前,她曾为他所爱并被他亲手杀死。吉冈独自来到精神医生高木(小田切让饰)那里求助,多年的老同事宫地(伊原刚志饰)也开始怀疑吉冈,他徘徊在友情和职责之间难以做出抉择。吉冈的生活渐被击碎,他打开了连接过去和现在的秘密……