回复 :After the divorce, Lisa was left with two children. Soon she meets a woman who is called her relative and says that their family has a family curse and that Lisa's boys are in mortal danger. Lisa refuses to believe in superstitious fears, but later strange visions begin to visit her, and she realizes that the curse turns out to be real. Now she must save her children from evil at any cost.
回复 :When school teacher Harriet Winslow goes to Mexico to teach, she is kidnapped by Gen. Tomas Arroyo and his revolutionaries. An aging American, Ambrose "Old Gringo" Bierce also in Mexico, befriends Gen. Arroyo and meets Harriet. Bierce is a famous writer, who knowing that he is dying, wishes to keep his identity secret so he can determine his own fate. Though he likes Arroyo, Bierce tries to provoke the General's anger whenever possible in an attempt to get himself killed, thus avoiding suffering through his illness. Winslow is intrigued by both Bierce and Arroyo, and the men are in turn attracted to her. She becomes romantically involved with Arroyo. When Winslow learns of Bierce's true identity (a writer whose work she has loved and respected for years), she is singlemindedly determined to fulfill his dying wish.
回复 :隶属美国的拖船海洋之星号在南太平洋海域遭遇罕见的强力台风,眼看就要船毁人亡,船员们奋力驶进台风眼,求得暂时的安宁。在这片平静的海域,他们发现了一艘俄罗斯船——名为伏诃夫号科研用船。船上空无一人,气氛诡异,船员们隐隐感到有某种生物在暗中窥视着他们。不久,船员们找到一个俄罗斯女人,从他的口中得知,与伏诃夫号进行协同研究工作的米亚空间站遭到神秘地外生命体的袭击,它通过电力入侵伏诃夫号的系统,将船劫持,并疯狂学习人类的知识。它的目的只有一个,就是将人类杀光殆尽。海洋之星的船员们对此将信将疑,但他们此前已无意中启动了伏诃夫号的电力系统,一度沉寂的外星恶魔慢慢苏醒……