A&E电视网宣布续订《贝茨旅馆》(Bates Motel)第三季,春暖订数仍然为10集。该剧目前是A&E电视网收视率表现最好的节目之一。
A&E电视网宣布续订《贝茨旅馆》(Bates Motel)第三季,春暖订数仍然为10集。该剧目前是A&E电视网收视率表现最好的节目之一。
回复 :抗日战争时期,上海。租界地区由于其特殊的历史因素成了被日军包围的孤岛,各种抗日力量在中共地下党的领导下如雨后春笋般破土而出,正是在这个特殊时期,五个身怀绝技的国民党女特工悄然而至。特高课长竹内掀起了一股屠杀抵抗力量的血雨腥风,一时间无数仁人志士倒在了侵略者的枪口和屠刀之下,哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗,这天,竹内再次带人抓捕抵抗力量,却落入了复仇者所设的陷阱。对面制高点上,陈春雪的狙击步枪早已瞄准了这个双手沾满中国人鲜血的刽子手。竹内的被杀激怒了日军高层的神经,他们调来特工高手织田,伺机反扑......
回复 :花千骨(赵丽颖 饰)曾经被长留上仙白子画(霍建华 饰)所救,因此芳心暗许,长大之后,她千里迢迢前往长留仙山,想要找到当年的恩人。经过重重的考验和比试,花千骨终于成为了白子画的座下弟子,然而她并不知道的是,自己命格诡异,注定要成为白子画的生死劫,而花千骨和白子画两人在相处的过程中,早已经产生了超越了师徒的感情。堕仙夏紫薰(蒋欣 饰)亦深爱着白子画,不愿看到爱人为花千骨白白送死的她企图下毒杀死花千骨,没想到最后中毒的却是白子画。为了挽救白子画的性命,花千骨想尽了一切方法,并且在无意之中获得了洪荒之力,为日后的悲剧埋下了伏笔。
回复 :In this new series, the director Chloé Robichaud, whose first film Sarah préfère la course had a remarkable international career after its official opening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, takes us back to the intersecting lives of a dozen characters and offers a new look on the world of lesbians in Quebec.“As a fresco representing different women – 18 to 42 years old – each episode explores the life of one before reuniting them. It’s a little bit of a tribute, a portrait, and a wink to each woman. This is a series about love between women. Life on a daily basis, a 10- minute capsule, times 8. I hope that in these women, many will see their own realities, whether homosexual or not”, says Chloé Robichaud.Macha Limonchik and Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse join the cast composed of several talented actresses among which, Eve Duranceau, Noémie Yelle, Eliane Gagnon, Carla Turcotte, Julianne Côté, Émilie Leclerc-Côté, Alexa-Jeanne Dubé, Kimberly Laferriere and Marie-Evelyne Lessard. A few surprise guests also made memorable performances on some of the episodes.