回复 :Do we truly know one another? Every one of us has three lives: a public, a private and secret one. What we once stored in our memories is now being stored in our phones - what happens when these are made public?
回复 :高速路上的巡警们每天的职责,除了抓偷车贼和对超速车辆进行追捕罚款之外,还有很多更多的乐趣。如今,在加州早已闻名的高速巡警弗兰克(迈克尔·佩纳饰)不仅是个脾气火爆办案也火爆的家伙,更有一身让领导难以容忍的坏脾气,但同行们却送给他“邮袋”的绰号,意思是他总能及时解决大麻烦,不过也会给别人惹下大麻烦。与此同时,另一个叫贝克(戴克斯·夏普德饰)的巡警同样饱受争议,不仅行事高调、满嘴的限制级语言,连脾气也和弗兰克很像。但两人办起案来却相当的投入和尽责。如今,两人被安排为新搭档。车技了得的他们在改装高手的帮助下,也开启了加州高速路上的大抓捕……
回复 :After being betrayed by his colleague, Mix, a talented young architect starts working in a new company. Soon after, a Christmas outing is organized, but he cannot go because he has not yet completed a work. Then, he meets Bell, an intern who was doing an internship when no one was around. xxys9.com Mix came up with a fun idea, he organized a party for lonely people with a game: whoever invited the most people to the party wins!