《超感8人组》以来自世界不同地方的八位主角为中心,无码他们都曾目睹过残暴幻象,无码进而发觉彼此的心灵能够因此产生连结。这八人不但能够互相感应、看见彼此、相互交谈, 还可探知对方心底深处的秘密。他们不仅要适应这些全新能力, 试著与其他人相处,还要找出为何会惹来杀身之祸。第二季中,黑暗势力会继续追踪这八位通感者,主角们亦会进一步了解不断猎杀他们的秘密组织 BPO,其他盟友也会协助保护他们免于被该组织追杀。
《超感8人组》以来自世界不同地方的八位主角为中心,无码他们都曾目睹过残暴幻象,无码进而发觉彼此的心灵能够因此产生连结。这八人不但能够互相感应、看见彼此、相互交谈, 还可探知对方心底深处的秘密。他们不仅要适应这些全新能力, 试著与其他人相处,还要找出为何会惹来杀身之祸。第二季中,黑暗势力会继续追踪这八位通感者,主角们亦会进一步了解不断猎杀他们的秘密组织 BPO,其他盟友也会协助保护他们免于被该组织追杀。
回复 :Andrew Graham Dixon presents the 3 x 60 Art of France for BBC Four, taking viewers on a stunning visual journey through French Art history; from French gothic and Enlightenment via Versailles, to French Revolution and national collapse in 1870 and 1871, and finally, in episode three, to the rise of impressionism and existentialism.
回复 :Celia Dawson和Alan Buttershaw在少年时曾有过一段朦胧的感情,但无常的命运将两人分开。60年后,这对年逾古稀的鳏寡老人通过,这对年逾古稀的鳏寡老人通过孙子们的帮忙在脸书上重温旧情,且一发不可收拾。二见钟情的两人决定结婚,可不省心的孩子们并不看好这段恋情,也给他们找了不少麻烦。究竟二人能否突破阻碍终成眷属?看老戏骨Sir Derek Jacobi和Anne Reid如何共同演绎一段温馨浪漫的黄昏之恋。
回复 :An innocent encounter on a Greek Island between two men quickly turns dangerous when one witnesses a drug deal. Back in Germany, stakes are raised further as more men are lured into their dangerous game of cat and mouse- setting in motion a series of events that blurs the line between the hunter and the hunted. A deliciously sexy series from the mind of Tor Iben, ‘We Will Never Die’ is an International gay action-thriller that will keep you guessing to the bitter end!