地狱When a best-selling author has a midlife crisis, he returns to his coastal hometown and embarks on a wild adventure in a desperate attempt to reclaim his youth.
地狱When a best-selling author has a midlife crisis, he returns to his coastal hometown and embarks on a wild adventure in a desperate attempt to reclaim his youth.
回复 :玛莎(马蒂娜•戈黛特 Martina Gedeck 饰)是一家餐厅的厨师长,不仅人长得漂亮,而且厨艺精湛。唯一的不足,就是由于长期担任领导职务,使得玛莎的性格古板、严肃认真。一天,玛莎的妹妹不幸车祸身亡了,留下了年幼的女儿莲娜。莲娜因为痛失母亲,患上了厌食症。无论玛莎煮出怎么美味的食物,都无法激起莲娜的食欲。这时,新来的厨师马里奥(塞尔吉奥•卡斯特里托 Sergio Castellitto 饰)的出现彻底打破了餐厅一贯宁静的气氛,玛莎认为他是老板请来替代她的位置的,于是处处与马里奥作对。然而,马里奥却处处帮助玛莎,帮助玛莎治疗莲娜内心的创伤,甚至当莲娜被她的生父接往意大利后,义无反顾地陪玛莎飞往了意大利。于是玛莎决定用她的双手去经营这一份美味关系。
回复 :During the Second World War, following an ambush carried out in a fort by German troops, Eugène, an Allied soldier, finds himself trapped underground. Now fighting for his survival, his destiny will play out alongside that of another survivor. Both will try to find the resources to extricate themselves from certain death. They are unaware that terrible battles await them outside.
回复 :乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯、埃米尔·赫斯基、帕斯·贝加([对她说])、杰里米·皮文([明日边缘])将携手出演黑色惊悚片[美国之夜](American Night,暂译)。影片将是Alessio Jim Della Valle的导演处女作,Valle亲自撰写剧本。影片讲述迈克尔·鲁比诺(赫斯基饰)刚刚成为纽约黑手党的头目,但他最大的梦想是将自己的一生奉献给绘画,并成为伟大的艺术家。艺术品经销商约翰·卡普兰(梅耶斯饰)的生活似乎一片混乱,但他仍拥有最能发现世界各地假货的双眼。当安迪·沃霍尔的《粉红玛丽莲》被偷走时,陌生的两人有了交集,而这一切也将颠覆他们的生活。