回复 :
回复 :河振(李东健 饰)出生于贫苦家庭,小小年纪就要外出打工补贴家用的他深深地明白,这个世界上没有人能够帮助他,他只有凭借自己的力量和心计为以后的飞黄腾达扫清障碍。丹熙(金喜善 饰)个性开朗活泼可爱,是学校棒球队里的种子选手。无奈球队中的学长明成(李真旭 饰)处处与她作对,但每一次都被丹熙用自己的聪明才智所化解。就是这样个性迥异的三人,命运将他们紧紧地串联到了一起。为了能够上大学,河振不惜利用丹熙和明成那富有的父亲,在得知真相之后,深感遭到背叛的丹熙痛苦的离开了河振。之后,一直和丹熙作对的明成却反而渐渐喜欢上了这个坚强善良的女孩,可丹熙早已经被河振伤透了心,她不敢,也不愿意再接受明成的感情。
回复 :After a childhood that would have broken weaker girls, Jane Eyre finds a respectable position as governess to the ward of the enigmatic Mr. Rochester. Twenty years her senior, brusque, and hardened by loss, Mr. Rochester finds his spirited new employee strangely bewitching. Despite the social chasm that divides them, they are drawn to each other as equals and contemplate true happiness at last. But there is an impediment to their love that tests Jane’s integrity and strength almost beyond endurance.Considered by many to be the best adaptation of Charlotte Brontë’s romantic classic, this BBC miniseries is true to the original story, with dialogue taken directly from the novel. Best of all is the perfect casting and chemistry of the unlikely lovers, with Sorcha Cusack (Casualty) as Jane and Michael Jayston (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy) as Mr. Rochester.