亚洲级A group of experienced archeologists are searching for an old and mystic Phoenician treasure when they are surprised by a series of mysterious murders...
亚洲级A group of experienced archeologists are searching for an old and mystic Phoenician treasure when they are surprised by a series of mysterious murders...
回复 :Childhood friends Tommy and Tuppence meet in London after having served in World War I. Recently "demobed", short of money, and with no job prospects, they decide to become adventurers for hire. Soon, they are employed by the British Government to locate a secret treaty signed before the war.
回复 :根据80年代的电子游戏它来自沙漠改编,向1950年代致敬。本片的特色是沙漠、摩托车英雄和女英雄、沙漠中的派对、秘密地下军事基地...... 当然还有巨型蚂蚁。
回复 :大陸導演彭小蓮九六年突然接到一個拍攝計劃,教她受寵若驚。紀錄片大師小川紳介的遺孀指定要她完成丈夫未竟的作品。小川歷八年時間尋找消失中的村落,拍攝《牧野村千年物語》(1986,17屆)期間搜羅了柿子的故事,剪好四小時長的毛片後因病擱置下來。本片難得再現他懷著無比虔敬走進現實生活的畫面,一句平常話,亦自有生活與歲月的沉澱。有這麼一幕:老婦人一面細意包裝柿子,一面祝願吃柿人身體健康;屋內滿曬陽光,窗外滿樹紅柿。生產與消費的親密關係,看著教人動容。不知不覺間,眼前的桃花源正在消失.....