人成The film explores the dark underbelly of Thiruvananthapuram where rival goondas clash in cold-blooded gang wars to gain dominion over the city's suburbs and slums.
人成The film explores the dark underbelly of Thiruvananthapuram where rival goondas clash in cold-blooded gang wars to gain dominion over the city's suburbs and slums.
回复 :The story of L’Amour et les forêts revolves around Blanche. When she first crossed paths with Greg, she thought she’d found the one she’d been looking for. They quickly formed an attachment, but their relationship is marred by Greg’s quick temper. Blanche ignores her niggling doubts and distances herself from her family and twin sister, convinced that she’s reinventing herself. And little by little, she finds herself caught in the trap of a possessive and dangerous man. A man she’s too ashamed and frightened to report. Because there are only two possible exit routes from control: either the victim breaks free or they fall apart…
回复 :神偷容碧华乘乞儿会卖武时向旁观者施以空空妙手, 情贼林英伟亦被盗去银両, 乞儿会不甘被捣乱, 与华结怨. 伟跟踪华返家, 得悉华与舅父卜大豪欲盗取龙员外的御赐宝玉, 为免宝玉落入他们手中, 伟抢先将宝玉盗去, 再物归原主, 龙小姐因而对伟倾慕不已. 华与乞儿会的麻面婆狭路相逢大打出手, 伟助麻脱险, 与乞儿会中人结为知交. 伟为替乞儿会筹募经费, 假意向豪兜售宝玉, 二人谈不拢, 展开恶斗, 伟误堕豪机关...... (续下集大结局)
回复 :故事发生在巴黎被德军占领期间,巴蒂诺尔(杰拉尔·朱诺 Gérard Jugnot 饰)是肉铺的老板,因此生活要比那些手无寸铁的普通居民要好过一些,但也仅仅是一些而已。一天,生活在他们家楼上的一个犹太家庭遭到了德军的逮捕,洞悉这一切的巴蒂尔诺为了保护自己和自己的家庭,而选择忍气吞声坐视不管。几天之后,犹太家庭之中的小儿子西蒙(儒勒·斯楚克 Jules Sitruk 饰)敲响了巴蒂诺尔家的大门,原来,他从集中营里偷跑了出来,投奔巴蒂诺尔,希望后者能够收留他。这下可为难坏了巴蒂诺尔,一方面,他十分同情西蒙的遭遇,另一方面,他深知如果收留了西蒙,将会给他带来多大的麻烦。