回复 :We all know the main story of Abraham Lincoln's death, how he was killed, where it took place, and who pulled the trigger. But what exactly happened during the last day of his life? Relive April 14, 1865, as we track the hours of the day that shocked the world, following both assassin and victim on separate paths that would ultimately converge at the Presidential Box at Ford's Theatre. We'll also look at the objects, like Lincoln's hat and John Wilkes Booth's gun, that witnessed the crime that changed the course of American history forever.
回复 :吴红燕(刘丹 饰),中国西部平川市人民法院一个普通的法警。丈夫病亡,独身十年,她的生活黯淡无味,每日里做着例行的工作,法庭上出示证物,判决后送走一个个绝望的人。对她来说,也许只有每周去兴城婚姻介绍所才能让生活有一丝希望,然而幸福却与一次次与她擦肩而过。一个女犯因故意杀人被判处死刑,吴红燕作了她的送行者。女犯的丈夫李军(奇道 饰)因此憎恨上这个沉默的女警,时常尾随其后,伺机刺杀。但是,未曾染血的刀子被丢下,两颗孤独寂寞的心却走到一起……本片荣获2007年第23届华沙国际电影节新导演和新电影大奖。
回复 :主要讲述了女主作为穿越的现代的医生云若月,与楚国“第一战神”前太子楚玄辰互相成就与救赎的故事。战神是“杀戮”而医生是“救赎”,“白衣天使”救赎了“孤勇王爷”。楚玄辰天生潇洒倜傥,聪明睿智,有勇有谋,背负着弑父之仇,是云若月医人更医心,二人从互相嫌弃到放下偏见,再到互相欣赏终至一生一双人,感情徐徐展开,渐渐升华。在帮助楚玄辰完成家国天下的过程中患难与共,互相敞开心扉,同心协力,医治天下百姓,解决苍生疾苦,终得大成。