回复 :Nothing really looks what it really is when you look from a distance and so is Jinwoo’s quiet life, far from the hectic, stressful city life, tucked away in the beauty of the Korean countryside, welcomed with open arms by a loving new “family” that has accepted, on their sheep ranch, him and Seol, his wonderful niece who he loves as if she were his own daughter.But when Park Kun-young's careful and precise direction begins to focus on the details of Jinwoo's existence, slowly revealing his restless soul, we gradually discover the complexity of the reasons that led to Jinwoo's extreme choice to retire in the countryside to live like a shepherd.The arrival at the ranch of Jinwoo’s longtime male friend from university, Hyunmin, upsets all balance. Moonkyeong, the ranch owner’s daughter, who has a crush on Jinwoo, accidentally discover the two men in bed and shortly afterwards Jinwoo’s twin sister, and Seol’s birth mother, shows up at the ranch after years of absence and silence and wants to take her daughter back to Seoul.The community of that small country place, which seemed kind and nice, slowly reveals their true colours and deep disapproval of the two men's relationship. The fragile sandcastle of happiness that Jinwoo has struggled to build is crumbling and the cold, harsh winter is upon him.Giovanna Fulvi
回复 :星宇公司遭遇盗宝集团突袭,立夏受伤,丢失了云南赤家兄弟的瓷瓶。林欢馨联合考古学家高震云设下计谋寻回了瓷瓶。不料盗宝集团跟踪至云南该瓷瓶出土处,将众人擒拿欲挖掘古墓。林克服恐高症独自逃出,并联合赤家寨村。
回复 :阿莫斯(托比·塞巴斯蒂安 饰演)生来就拥有美妙嗓音,却因为先天性眼疾,使他的视力微弱到仅能看见光线的明暗,也让他在童年时期经历无数次手术,并进入盲人学校学习点字。不过一场在学校的足球比赛意外,让年仅12岁的阿莫斯完全失明。从此,他的世界变成一片黑暗……阿莫斯的生命是一场又一 场严苛的挑战,个性好强的他,却从未因为失明放弃自己对音乐的热情与梦想。在恩师(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 饰演)的严厉指导之下,他的歌唱技巧不断提升与突破,并经过长时间的低潮与沉潜,终于获得义大利国宝级摇滚明星苏奇洛赏识,亲自邀他同台献唱。此后,他开始受到乐坛拥戴,朝史上最成功的跨界男高音之路迈进……