“雪诺”基特·哈灵顿将为BBC儿童电影《Zog》配音,中文该片由《咕噜牛》的创作和制作团队打造,中文剧情十分萌:Zog是一位热情但经常惹事的龙,正在龙学院学习飞翔、怒吼、喷火和打骑士,为期4年,每年都有一个好心的小女孩替他包扎伤口。但是今年的这位会不会帮Zog完成他龙生中最复杂的挑战:抓到一位公主呢?哈灵顿将配音Gadabout爵士,休·斯金纳(《妈妈咪呀2》)已加盟配音Zog,兰尼·亨利任画外音,配音阵容还有帕齐·费伦、崔茜·尤玛等。该片将于今年圣诞在BBC One播出。
“雪诺”基特·哈灵顿将为BBC儿童电影《Zog》配音,中文该片由《咕噜牛》的创作和制作团队打造,中文剧情十分萌:Zog是一位热情但经常惹事的龙,正在龙学院学习飞翔、怒吼、喷火和打骑士,为期4年,每年都有一个好心的小女孩替他包扎伤口。但是今年的这位会不会帮Zog完成他龙生中最复杂的挑战:抓到一位公主呢?哈灵顿将配音Gadabout爵士,休·斯金纳(《妈妈咪呀2》)已加盟配音Zog,兰尼·亨利任画外音,配音阵容还有帕齐·费伦、崔茜·尤玛等。该片将于今年圣诞在BBC One播出。
回复 :A great spanish cult movie!!This is one of the most astonishing films ever made. It has some scenes that it should be in the history of cinema. Like the filming by Fernando Fernan Gomez of the militias using a big roll of paper to win a positions. Or the begging of the film based on real events. The birth of the director inside the carp where the first cinematographer was showing "the train arriving to the station". Being shoot in really simple way it's amazing the proper use of the audiovisual language. The late Guillermo Cabrera Infante showed this film in a Canadian film festival in Spanish without subtitles when the projection finish the audience didn't move and they ask for seen the film again. The effect of this film in the audience is unbelievable. None a single person that has seen this rare Spanish movie could forget it. Except the main actor Fernando Fernan Gomez who never remember work on it.
回复 :妻子去世后,为了方便工作养家,爸爸领着8岁的珍去乡下的奶奶家,想让奶奶暂时照看珍一个暑假。奶奶年事已高,不善言谈。用心给珍准备的饭菜,珍一口不吃就走掉,给珍洗鞋子,却被珍大吼“坏奶奶”,珍蛮横的流露出不满,时刻抱怨着在乡下的生活。正值烦恼之际,邻居力帆带着他的狗狗真真出现在珍的视野里。他们的活泼与淳朴感染了珍,珍开始放下手里的平板电脑,跟着力帆一起遨游乡间,捕鱼抓蝉。和小伙伴一起玩耍的日子,渐渐拂去珍心中的阴霾,珍逐渐适应,并喜欢上了乡下的生活。同时奶奶仍在默默包容着关心着珍,看珍喜欢吃零食,奶奶偷拿了一个吃完的包装袋,去镇上给珍买,回来的时候遭遇大雨,第二天便发了高烧。看着发烧的奶奶,珍开始后悔和几天自己对奶奶的嫌弃和不满,也慢慢体会到奶奶的良苦用心。短暂的相处,让珍从嫌弃到不舍。不久后,爸爸来接珍,珍跟伙伴们一一道别,然而上车以后,力帆的狗狗却一反常态的追着车子狂叫…….珍的夏天,就是危机后的成长充斥的快乐和不舍吗?
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