这是香港九十年代的搞笑片。天庭上的九天玄女(钟丽缇 饰)因为私自和外国的天使约会被发现,剧场而遭玉帝贬到了凡间,剧场一直暗恋她的另一位天神横财神阿力(陈百祥 饰)为了爱情也一起下凡追寻九天玄女。阿力来到凡间,遇到了按摩女美丽(袁咏仪 饰)。美丽十分贪财,但之前赌运都不佳。阿力运用自己的法力令美丽逢赌必赢,令美丽十分高兴。这时,阿力得知九天玄女已经转世为美国赌场的公关经理,现在来了美国主持赌王大赛。兴奋不已的阿力决定参赛赢取美人芳心!
这是香港九十年代的搞笑片。天庭上的九天玄女(钟丽缇 饰)因为私自和外国的天使约会被发现,剧场而遭玉帝贬到了凡间,剧场一直暗恋她的另一位天神横财神阿力(陈百祥 饰)为了爱情也一起下凡追寻九天玄女。阿力来到凡间,遇到了按摩女美丽(袁咏仪 饰)。美丽十分贪财,但之前赌运都不佳。阿力运用自己的法力令美丽逢赌必赢,令美丽十分高兴。这时,阿力得知九天玄女已经转世为美国赌场的公关经理,现在来了美国主持赌王大赛。兴奋不已的阿力决定参赛赢取美人芳心!
回复 :恐怖野外事毁掉了她的家庭之后,害羞忧郁的年轻女孩安吉拉,离开古怪姑妈马萨家,来到亲戚里基家。在一个炎热的夏天,姑妈马萨哄骗她来到阿拉瓦营地。到达不久之后,野营地发生了一系列令人奇异意外事件,到底谁是幕后凶手?本片是美国电影历史上有名杀手电影。
回复 :The story of a professional nude model stalked by a bizarre, unknown man wearing a hideous mask.
回复 :Women He's Undressed is a cinema length documentary that explores the life of Australia's most prolific costume designer. Until now Orry-Kelly has been unacknowledged in his country of birth and pretty well forgotten in the adopted country of his greatest success. During the boom years of Hollywood he was the costume designer on an astonishing 282 motion pictures. He designed for the stars like Marilyn Munroe, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Rosalind Russell, Errol Flynn and many more of the immortals. His films included Some Like It Hot, Casablanca, An American in Paris and Now, Voyager. Orry-Kelly (Jack to his friends) won three Academy Awards and was nominated for a fourth. Orry-Kelly was Head of Warner Brothers Costume Department during the richest period of American film, the establishment of the dream factory and its effect on mass culture. He was outrageous, witty, outspoken, a drinker and uncompromising but he survived partially protected by his friendship with Jack and Ann ... Written by Damien Parer