日韩A man falls for his daughter's classmate and they get entangled in a steamy affair. When their sexual desire becomes obsession, things turn crazy.
日韩A man falls for his daughter's classmate and they get entangled in a steamy affair. When their sexual desire becomes obsession, things turn crazy.
回复 :In the series "Emmanuelle in Space", Krista plays the lead role of Emmanuelle-an earth woman chosen by a group of space travelers to teach them about love, and human sexuality. Emmanuelle takes the aliens to such places as Las Vegas, Egypt, and Asia to teach them the wonders about sexuality. While doing this she forms a bond with the leader, Haffron, who falls in love with her....
回复 :本片讲述了抗日时期,以采蜜为生的瓦屋村,突然惊现巨型杀人狂蜂,这些被病毒感染的蜜蜂带有极强的攻击性,数次集群袭击村民,让平静的村庄陷入恐慌,而村民们赖以信任的研究小组竟然是这一切的始作俑者。于是,石娃带领着村民,与变异的狂蜂和生化基地的日军展开了一场智勇之斗。
回复 :本片由黃梅調巨星凌波反串主演,故事講述,泉州才子陳伯卿(凌波),邂逅潮州第一美人黃碧琚(方盈),心生傾慕;後伯卿得知兩人幼時曾定親,於是隱瞞身份,賣身黃府,作陪讀書僮,以接近碧琚。陝西巡撫之子林大雄(雷鳴),垂涎碧琚美色,強自下聘,欲娶之為妻;碧琚父(李影)貪財怕勢,不理家人反對,收下林家聘禮。伯卿得知碧琚已有婚配,刺激過度,一病不起……