回复 :故事以一线医护人员ICU医生龚臣与护士长杨珊夫妇为主角,2020年疫情突然爆发,身为武汉医院一线医护工作者的夫妻俩,选择居住在车里随时待命,各自坚守在工作岗位,真实再现武汉疫情爆发时,医护人员在众多病患前,面临的困境与压力。疫情期间,ICU不断接收着重症患者,医生们超负荷工作,龚臣在ICU中不停参与救治,在面临病人以及同为战友的医生离世后直面疫情的风险,在医生职责与家庭责任间,精神压力不断增大乃至爆发,最终夫妻俩互相倾诉、扶持、共同奋战、坚守一线,直到抗疫成功。
回复 :Tin Men is one of my favorite movies of all time. The thing that always strikes me whenever I watch this movie is that while the characters of Richard Dreyfuss and Danny DeVito are seemingly feuding non-stop throughout the movie, in reality they are actually kindred spirits. It's like they see themselves in the other but don't really like what they see. Barbara Hershey is great as the haggard housewife who looks for something more fulfilling in her life. All the supporting cast is excellent. I love the diner dialog which is reminiscent of Barry Levinson's previous film "Diner." The background scenes of Baltimore landscape add to the realistic atmosphere of the movie. Overall, I think this movie is vastly underrated. I'd love to see a sequel with Dreyfuss and DeVito as partners in a VW dealership.
回复 :昭和8年(1933),日本出兵满洲里,脱离国际联盟,在国际上受到空前孤立;国内经济滑坡,人心不安。时军队内部分为“皇道”和“统制”两派,皇道派认为天皇已成为贪污大臣的傀儡,不知人民疾苦和国家安危。因此一部分年轻军官聚集起来,提出“尊皇讨贼”的口号,意图推翻内阁,成立天皇直接领导的军人政府。昭和11年(1936),以安藤辉三(三浦友和 饰)、香田清贞(胜野洋 饰)、野中四郎(萩原健一 饰)、河野寿(本木雅弘 饰)、中桥基明(うじきつよし 饰)、栗原安秀(佐野史郎 饰)、矶部浅一(竹中直人 饰)、村中孝次(隆大介 饰)等8人为首的陆军下级少壮派军官商议,定于2月26日发动名为“昭和维新”的军人武装政变。是日凌晨,1500名全副武装的年轻军人冒着风雪冲进了政要的府邸……