回复 :A young man who wants to be a novelist, Hikari, has been working in a small bar in a bar since the evening. The store's beautiful mom, Mirei Yokoyama, had an inner husband, but one day she is in prison and frustrated, and one day she has a relationship with Hikari. On the other hand, Kanae Shiratori (Chinami Sakura), who has been secretly aware of the talent of light since college, was a magazine editor, so she published a novel of light to her boss so that she could see the sun. One morning, under the light resting on a park bench, a woman named Akane Akane in a glittering costume appears barefoot and is asked to hide herself after chasing her.
回复 :
回复 :深夜,若珊上网与母亲嘉文交谈,听见厅中有异声往外察看,却被色狼强拉至出客厅侵犯。若珊挣扎逃回房内向嘉文求救,嘉文目睹色狼背部有蝎子纹身但欲救无门,眼白白通过电脑视像看着若珊被奸。事后在警署若珊一口指证乔子扬是非礼犯,但精液化验结果与子扬不吻合,加上他并没有任何纹身,子扬当然否认一切。警署门外若珊遇上子扬发生纠缠,嘉文苦劝中令若珊感到嘉文是否不信自己,羞怒下跳楼自杀,嘉文见女儿倒在血泊中,后悔没有相信若珊,决定用方法使子扬露出狼相。一天夜里,色狼真的来了,却被子扬打退,嘉文此时以为误会了子扬,遂邀子扬吃饭道谢,本沉醉于浪漫气氛的嘉文突然发现子扬的鞋子沾有若珊的萤光指甲油,遂质问子扬,子扬露出本来面目,欲非礼嘉文,后嘉文取刀刺伤子扬,嘉文感若珊已沉冤得雪。可是,嘉文收到警察电话,事情却是出乎意外……