回复 :When Dorcas and Emma each want to give Laura the same gift for Christmas, an old family wound is opened up and Laura finds herself torn between two mothers. As the inhabitants of Lark Rise and Candleford prepare for the festivities, loyalties are tested and, amid the gift-giving and carol-singing, tensions are building. However, the arrival of a ragged, barefooted young woman, who goes by the name of Cinderella Doe, introduces a note of Christmas mystery. Dorcas also receives a Christmas letter from Sir Timothy.
回复 :
回复 :秦昇海(黄宗泽 饰)、游天恒(张继聪 饰)和冯汐然(萧正楠 饰)是情同手足的好兄弟,三人供职于同一间公关公司之内,在各自的领域里发挥所长,虽然他们个性迥异,对于未来的规划也不尽相同,但三人之间的友谊依旧十分坚定。富豪顾复生(潘志文 饰)有三个孩子,长女顾成勋(陈炜 饰)个性刚烈好强,巾帼不让须眉,次子顾城曦(陆永 饰)是家中唯一的男性继承人,性格却唯唯诺诺无能担当大业,如此以往,家族的产业必将落入顾成勋的手中。顾城曦的胞姐顾成双(黄翠如 饰)不愿看到此番景象,于是找到了秦昇海一行人,委托他们帮助改造顾城曦,其中,秦昇海野心勃勃,在顾城曦的身上看到了契机,他决定利用这个软弱的男子,登上权利的顶峰。