年轻贵族蓝郎爱上富商女儿玛丽芭。蓝郎的仆人Sempronio 建议找女巫Celestina来促进此事。但另外一个仆人Parmeno 对女巫深感怀疑,亚欧级因为他清楚知道她的把戏。其后女巫让玛丽芭深信蓝郎对他的爱 ,亚欧级并安排一个秘密会面, 蓝郎给了女巫子一条昂贵的金链子。两位仆人都不满意女巫提供给他们的妓女,他们提出更多的要求,因此引发了一连串的戏剧化事情。
年轻贵族蓝郎爱上富商女儿玛丽芭。蓝郎的仆人Sempronio 建议找女巫Celestina来促进此事。但另外一个仆人Parmeno 对女巫深感怀疑,亚欧级因为他清楚知道她的把戏。其后女巫让玛丽芭深信蓝郎对他的爱 ,亚欧级并安排一个秘密会面, 蓝郎给了女巫子一条昂贵的金链子。两位仆人都不满意女巫提供给他们的妓女,他们提出更多的要求,因此引发了一连串的戏剧化事情。
回复 :I can see people will either love or hate this movie, depending on your own experiences and loves. Its basically about a incredibly obese police officer coming to terms with his own mortality (he is given a year to live at the start of the movie). It has other bits and pieces in the plot (love, mystery etc), but these are not the central ideal of the movie.I found myself crying in many parts of this movie, for myself being fat (and have been my entire life... of course not to the degree of the main actor, but to a degree which has caused bullying my entire life) this story hits very close to home. And some of the subtle emotional behind the scene's stuff here definitely adds to the mood.Anyone who has had any sort of eating disorder (over or under eating whatever) will recognise things in this movie, and will more then likely be in tears by the first 30 minutes of the movie.
回复 :12岁的少年岩濑光一(石田法嗣 饰)与妹妹朝子(味野和明日架 饰)曾随母亲道子(甲田益也子 饰)拜入名为“涅磐”的宗教团体,在这里他们不仅捐出全部财产,还要面临与母亲分别的生活。不久之后,“涅磐”酿造毒气杀人的惨案,包括道子在内的数名干部一夜之间成为通缉犯。光一被送往关西的儿童院,妹妹则被爷爷(品川徹 饰)带往东京。某天,光一偷偷逃跑,希望去东京寻找母亲和妹妹。半路上他无意间救助了因家庭暴力离家出走的女孩新名由希(谷村美月 饰),两个有着类似经历的同龄人结伴而行,一路上品尽现实人生的种种况味……本片荣获2006年每日电影奖最佳新人奖。
回复 :富有的搜猎人辉域,赞助一队考察团到佛罗里达州的南部森林,寻找一个神秘的印第安部落(加路沙)。当考察团重踏一个前考察队所住的营地时,目睹惨状的他们陷入了恐慌之中。当大家正为自己的安全而担忧时,他们发现,一直被蒙在鼓里,原来辉域到来的主要目的,并不是寻找(加路沙)而是寻觅传说中能令人长生不老的泉水,与此同时,在森林的深处,亦隐藏着一双双凶狠的眼神在等待他们……...