回复 :"Do you want to do it...?"The fatal seduction of...the "Challenge Game"Florist Ae-ran (Vicky) and forensics investigator Min-ho (Choi Ryeong) from the Public Prosecutor's Office both have a family that everyone wants. However, Min-ho can't handle bed time so Ae-ran starts a 'challenge game' in which she seduces and has sex with strange men. One day, Ae-ran and Min-ho meet Alex (Choi Hyeon-ho) at a tango cafe. Alex is interested in Ae-ran and approaches her while Ae-ran takes interest in Alex who is more handsome than her husband. Min-ho later witnesses them in action and gets angry when he finds out the man Ae-ran seduced is Alex. Min-ho feels nervous because he finds out Alex isn't just a game partner and approached him for a reason. Min-ho tries to get rid of Alex but Alex chokes Ae-ran and Min-ho even more and feels catharsis. The game they started is turning into a catastrophe...
回复 :其貌不扬的美术馆警卫亚当成了一名艺术系女学生的期末作业,她野心勃勃要让他从头到脚彻底改头换面……
回复 :孟娜是江城大学的研究生,2008年春天,她因看不上世俗的都市恋爱观和挣扎于繁杂的人际关系,采取了逃避的方式来到西部一个羌族山寨支教,富二代张阳因爱追随她而来。在羌族山寨,孟娜遇到了羌族汉子山鹰而被羌族浓郁的文化所吸引。在突如其来的汶川地震中,山鹰救下了孟娜的性命。地震中,始终追求着孟娜的张阳也感受到了来自政府、部队和国际友人的人文关怀。在抗震救灾过程中,孟娜渐渐爱上了山鹰,但山鹰一直在逃避。此时,...