精品Rocks from a meteor which grow when in contact with water threaten a sleepy Southwestern desert community.
精品Rocks from a meteor which grow when in contact with water threaten a sleepy Southwestern desert community.
回复 :本片讲述了一夜之间二十七具尸体被悬挂当街,且都被抽去了骨头,死相诡谲。向来不信邪的宋慈以一种追求极致真相的态度与女助手雨墨深入调查。通过对死者关系网的盘查,宋慈发现这是起随机杀人案,有价值的是“27”这个数字,这与十年前的波旬教案有关,他向恩师耿知年请教,谁知当天二十七具尸体就在府衙中自燃,虽灰飞烟灭却有迹可寻,宋慈不得不怀疑这一切正和当年负责波旬教案的耿知年有关。与此同时,怀揣着隐秘身世的雨墨也已渐渐接近“真相”,那是她同样无法接受的真相……
回复 :影片讲述了知名心理学教授叶远东受女演员安雅之托,携助手前往神秘的郊外别墅,参加关于催眠的剧本会,却意外被卷入一场迷局……
回复 :After observing a hauntingly familiar abnormal CAT scan of a 13 year old girl, radiologist Nina Evanko battles to find the source of the young girl's sleeping disorder. What she discovers is darker and stranger than she could have imagined.