回复 :This is an unusual film of exceptional values--75 minutes long in color, with hardly any spoken dialogs. I saw this Iranian film in Farsi without English subtitles at the Early Iranian cinema retrospective on-going International Film Festival of Kerala, India. That I was watching a print without subtitles did not make a difference as there were very few lines of spoken dialogs.This is a very accessible film for any audience to enjoy--its story and values are not merely Iranian, it's universal.The film is set in rural Iran that had not tasted petro-dollar prosperity. The setting is on fringes of desert land, where water is scarce, rainfall scanty and hardly any blade of grass is green. Add to it wind and dust that buffets and whips man and animal and you can imagine plight of the people who live on the fringes of society.The film is moving tale of a young teenager returning to his village with a goat--only to find his family and villagers have moved on to escape natures vagaries and that one old man remains. He gives the goat to him and goes in search of his family. Water is scarce and well water it treated with reverence and never wasted.
回复 :电影《棉花白了》是一部农村儿童题材影片,讲述了城里的孩子小波,暑假里带着心爱的狗狗到农村姥姥家度假。在姥姥家,他和农家孩子去河里摸鱼、逮老鼠,玩得不亦乐乎。在玩耍中,他发现姥姥和村民田伟家有种奇妙的,令他不懂、不解的特殊关系,带着孩童的稚气好奇心,他想一探究竟……原来田伟的舅舅,村里有名的傻子的疯和姥爷有关……引出了一段令人恻隐的关于傻子的亲情、爱情故事。最终,小波和表哥用他们童真的爱心,化解了两家积怨几十年的深仇大恨,消除了笼罩姥姥心头的“阴霾”,从此,姥姥家重回湛蓝的晴空……
回复 :中年男子海克特(Karra Elejalde 饰)和妻子克莱拉(Candela Fernández 饰)搬到郊外一幢别墅居住,他用望远镜观察四周的景物,却意外看到一个正脱去衣衫的妙龄女子。海克特心感疑惑,决定前往女子出现的灌木丛中查看一番,结果遭到一个手持尖刀、全身缠满绷带的男子的追杀。海克特仓皇之中逃入一所空旷的实验室内,并在其中的大水槽内躲了起来。次日,当海克尔回到家时,却看到另一个自己正和妻子搬家具,他不知不觉穿越时空来到了一天前。原来水槽是一个时空机器,海克特的命运无意间发生了改变……本片荣获2008年阿姆斯特丹奇幻电影节黑郁金香奖、2007年奥斯汀奇幻电影节新浪潮奖。