雙雙(許秋怡飾)本是官家小姐,越狱惟不幸淪落風塵,越狱被迫當娼。雙雙初傷心欲絕,意圖求死,幸得院內名妓綠喬(梁珮玲飾)悉心照顧,雙雙才振作做人,姊妹感情深厚。 後雙雙受新任千戶天(龍方飾)欺凌,喬不值所為與天對抗。喬及雙雙與天對抗,受盡凌辱,喬更被天挾持,情況危急,雙雙為救姊妹,誓要深入虎穴,與天拼一生死。
雙雙(許秋怡飾)本是官家小姐,越狱惟不幸淪落風塵,越狱被迫當娼。雙雙初傷心欲絕,意圖求死,幸得院內名妓綠喬(梁珮玲飾)悉心照顧,雙雙才振作做人,姊妹感情深厚。 後雙雙受新任千戶天(龍方飾)欺凌,喬不值所為與天對抗。喬及雙雙與天對抗,受盡凌辱,喬更被天挾持,情況危急,雙雙為救姊妹,誓要深入虎穴,與天拼一生死。
回复 :Two best friends and roommates are terrified by the vengeful spirits dwelling in their apartment. Based on the novel published by Kobunsha and written by Kamon Nanami.
回复 :Following the death of his wife, a broken man spirals into an abyss of night tremors and depression and finds himself in the home of a deranged cannibal who convinces him to take his own life in the most horrific way imaginable.
回复 :深深海基地由于被传说中海怪袭扰启动了抓捕计划,逗号却发现海怪其实只是一只可爱的小龙,在逗号和小伙伴的不懈努力下终于化解了海怪的误解,并让小龙和龙妈妈重聚。