回复 :一直深爱着哥哥的妹妹从医院领回了因一起意外事故中失忆的哥哥,并谎称是他的恋人,与哥哥生活在了一起。两人时刻承受着道德与情感的冲突,但情感的河流奔腾得如此汹涌,道德在情感面前显得异常无力。道德的解构表现在拆房的建筑工地一再地出现,而情感则在日常的相濡以沫中以温和的姿态感染着观众。不是什么肮脏的不伦之恋,而只是干干净净的平常人的情感,甚至要更纯更美。
回复 :The film is dedicated to the Armenian monk and genius composer Komitas, and the 2 million victims on his people in Turkey in 1915. The final 20 years of Komitas life were spent in various mental hospitals. The destiny of Komitas? This is the magic beauty of Armenian culture and the abhorrent brutality of Armenian history. A cultural and artistic world that was slaughtered with a curved knife. A humanity that doggedly advances towards an apocalyptic catastrophe, that does not recognize its own original purpose, eradicates its own memory, its final roots.
回复 :Film didáctico que apunta al sentido higienista de alertar sobre los peligros de la mosca que jaquea la vida humana de la época, a través de un estudio entomológico de la vida y obra de las moscas con una nítida microfotografía del insecto, ampliando cada uno de sus rasgos a niveles casi monstruosos.