回复 :Shipwreck survivors are found on Beiru Island (Infanto tô), which was previously used for atomic tests. The interior is amazingly free of radiation effects, and they believe that they were protected by a special juice that was given to them by the island's residents. A joint expedition of Rolisican and Japanese scientists explores Beiru and discovers many curious things, including two women only one foot (30 centimeters) high. Unscrupulous expedition leader Clark Nelson abducts the women and puts them in a vaudeville show. But their sweet singing contains a telepathic cry for help to Mothra, a gigantic moth that is worshiped as a deity by the island people. The giant monster heeds the call of the women and heads to Tokyo, wreaking destruction in its path.
回复 :在2001年,DaveBowman带领的美国、苏联联合考察队登陆木星,去查明是否有什么强大的生物在木星上存在,因为新近在木星附近发现的一块神秘的黑色巨石令美国议员们忐忑不eee。但考察队一去不复返,只留下DaveBowman最后的惊呼:“上帝啊,这里全是星……”现在,2010年,十年前负责考察活动的HeywoodFloyd博士再赴木星。他和全体队员的任务是,找到并修复当年考察队使用的HAL-9000电脑,以弄清十年前发生的事。
回复 :潮汕青年阿德(田一德 饰)自小就在父亲的严厉要求下学习英歌舞,叛逆的他与父亲发叔(徐少武 饰)较劲,于是放弃英歌舞独自去大城市打拼。多年后,生意受挫的阿德回到老家筹措周转资金,因一场英歌舞大赛而与小时候的玩伴绮雯(陈妍臻 饰)、阿龙(许淳玮 饰)、阿福(庄佐 饰)和阿武(麦君 饰)重聚,向着英歌舞大赛的冠军之位前进。经历重重困难,他们究竟能否顺利实现传统英歌舞与街舞的完美融合在英歌舞大赛的舞台上呈现不一样的英歌魂......