回复 :在安藤忠臣(山田裕貴)的公司工作的前牛郎須藤司(青木玄徳),以开设女性专用金融业务为契机,顺利招揽到很多女性客户。他的客户有不想放弃梦想的前偶像绘梨奈(冨手麻妙),不惜借高利贷下血本想让自己女儿在演艺圈出道的单亲妈妈聖子(MEGUMI)等人。但是圣子女儿所属事务所的社长(津田寛治),曾经榨取过绘梨奈应得的报酬,知道这件事的須藤司开始计划报复行动……
回复 :通过伊利诺伊州一户有机农场主的视角,展现了一批历经大工业化农业运作模式的农场主对于更加环保更加健康的农作方式的探索和坚持。America is facing a food crisis driven by profitability and a lack of consumer education. While the window to transforming our heartland continues to shrink, passionate individuals have emerged who provide hope that the health of our nation might still remain within our grasp. Sustainable weaves together expert analysis of America's food and farming system with a powerful narrative of one extraordinary farmer who is determined to create a sustainable future for his community. Amidst the cornfields of Illinois lives the hero of the film - Marty Travis, a seventh-generation farmer who watched his land and community fall victim to the pressures of big agribusiness. Determined to create a proud legacy for his son, Marty transforms his profitless wasteland and pioneers the sustainable food movement in Chicago. The film unearths the future of agriculture - a marriage of age-old tradition and groundbreaking science. Industry pioneers from around the nation reveal the secrets behind human ...
回复 :四名体重超过 400 磅的壮汉争夺阿诺大力士经典赛的冠军头衔。本片一窥他们从准备到实际参赛的人生经历。