回复 :二十四年前,盛茂林与妻子郑婉颐因为误会而感情破裂离婚,盛茂林调离北京到贵州去工作,郑婉颐一个人抚养三个孩子,并掐断了盛茂林跟这个家庭的一切联系。二十四年后,六十岁的盛茂林杀回北京,他要找到自己的一双儿女,而盛茂林的重新闯入,引起了这个家庭的轩然大波……
回复 :雷蒙德·巴隆是纽约一家体育报社的记者。他与妻子戴博拉、四岁的女儿艾利以及一对两岁的双胞胎,迈克和杰夫里,一起住在纽约长岛一栋宽敞漂亮的房子里。雷蒙德在工作上取得的优异成就和宽容风趣的性格让他成为家人的骄傲,以及所有人爱戴的对象;贤妻良母型的全职母亲戴博拉的精心经营更让这个年轻的五口之家成为美国三好家庭的文明典范……
回复 :Sean (O'Dowd) is the imaginary friend of 10-year-old Martin Moone, the youngest child of a family living in a small town in Ireland. Martin has a unique perspective on life aided by an imaginary friend. His imagination comes into play both in his childish drawings, which come alive through animation, and in the ridiculous schemes he comes up with, against Sean's better judgement. With Sean's help, Martin negotiates life as the youngest in a chaotic, scatter-brained family.